How to Save Up to $ 1700 $ – Analytics & Forecasts – 12 September 2023
Greetings !
Lately I have often encountered problems with dual positions in the market.
Ordinary users tell me that MQL systems trade like Siamese twins and make double trades.
This usually happens when two identical systems are launched for one account in different locations.
Most of these users use MQL VPS and run a whole list of trading systems on their account.
At the same time, they do not stop trading on their personal PC, because… they want to see all the detailed visual information from trading systems.
Thus, the trading system opens a position on MQL VPS and at the same time this happens on a personal PC/Mac
At the same time, they are usually at work and cannot drop everything and run home to turn off their PC or cancel transactions.
This leads to bad consequences, because… visually this is easy to miss and this happens quite often.
Double trades cause the trading system to fight for priority; if the system uses a Grid or Martingale, this can blow up the account almost instantly.
Such double transactions in 99% of cases occur among ordinary users who use MQL VPS and do not know all the intricacies.
Most of them get double the profit but the risk is doubled when they use Zenvo/GoldWay/Razor/Venzo/GRage etc
This MQL VPS costs about $15 per month and you can run it only for 1 MT5/ broker account.
Thus, if for example you have 10 different accounts, with different brokers, with different systems, settings and conditions
These can be small test accounts or demo accounts
It will take 15$ * 10 = 150$ per month, in annual volume it will cost more than 1700$
You can save all this for yourself to a large extent.
This is not an advertisement, just recommendations.
A modern VPS allows you to have up to 6GB of RAM on board!
But running 10 terminals requires a relatively powerful CPU.
As a rule, most VPS have a lot of RAM, but very little CPU power, there can be a lot of them, but they are very weak
Most VPS save a lot on processor power, because… this is directly related to the consumption of electricity and thermal processes.
Therefore, over the years of practice, I still found the ideal option for myself.
This is a 2GB plan with only 2 CPU cores, they are powerful enough to run up to 10 MT5 terminals simultaneously
I can also personally connect and configure 6GB RAM for this VPS as a bonus.
At the same time, the cost will be only $179 per year for 10 actually working MT5 terminals at the same time
This is $1.49 per month for 1 MT5 terminal/broker account . In this case, all your activations will be saved on the SSD and you will be able to copy the VPS image
At the same time, you will immediately have access to Windows Server 2012 / 2016 with very powerful CPUs.
Also, you can always see all the visual information in MT5 from the trading system on your screen, this is very useful.
The systems always display Real indicators and Data.
In this case, I can always help you connect remotely and check everything or update the system, add RAM, etc.!
You will never lose your activations if you want to save them to Image/Backup
This has been working for me for several years now! The VPS has been running for 247 days without restarting, it works quickly and without any glitches at all!
If you found an even better VPS , I'd be happy to check it out and compare it. So far this is the best we have for today.
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