Best Gold EAs 2023 – Trading Systems – 3 June 2023

Dear friends,

In the previous month, we initiated a friendly wager to determine the top-performing Gold EA by June 2023. We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated results today!

1. Competitors

How we compare

  • Weekly profitability: Many EA providers tend to delete their signals and to start new ones as soon as some bad drawdown appears or even after the accounts get blown away. In order to reflect this somehow in our evaluation metrics, we consider the amount of weeks after the EA has been published for the first time.
  • Reliability: The same weekly profitability above devided by the max drawdown within the signal.

2. The Winners

Based on the provided diagram, it becomes evident that there are two remarkably high-performing EAs, then “Gold High” and then the rest.

But how to decide which EA is best? Especially comparing “Gold High” and “Bonnitta Gold” is not so easy. Let's use some basic math: We compute the Euclidian distance away from the diagram origin:
When we say that the profitability per week is p and the reliability is r, then we can compute the scalar metric d as

Now, lets see who is really the best!

EA Overall Greatness
AI for Gold 35.9
Gold HIgh 10.2
Bonnitta Gold 39.9

After computing all the “greatness” as the Key Performance Indicator (KPI), we are able to effectively sort and identify the absolute best performers, thereby selecting the deserving winners. 

3. Buy The Winner 

Let's finally check out the prices of AI for Gold and Bonnitta Gold.

4. Why I think that AI for Gold is the best Buy

As an esteemed author of AI for Gold, I would greatly appreciate it if you would kindly contemplate the acquisition of AI for Gold. The profound significance it holds for me cannot be overstated. To facilitate your decision-making process, I humbly present the following supplementary three reasons in favor of AI for Gold.

AI for Gold is a top performer! See for yourself: The live account made 172%  and is growing!

While many other EAs simply hope that nothing bad happens, AI for Gold makes you feel safe because it expects the market to get crazy on regular basis. An integrated trade managemt algorithm varies the take profit levels depending on the market movements. Also no dangerous strategies like Martingale or Grid are applied. Allow yourself to be persuaded by the compelling analysis presented on this blog page. 

I am committed to relentlessly enhancing AI for Gold, ensuring that you receive continual updates and improvements indefinitely. Rest assured that I have no intentions of developing new Gold-Trading EAs solely for the purpose of financial gain, only to abandon AI for Gold, as regrettably observed in the prevalent industry practices.

To illustrate this commitment, please refer to the evidence provided, demonstrating that each successive version of the EA has consistently displayed notable enhancements in both equity and drawdown graphs.

Now, as you saw the most compelling reasons for AI for Gold, go to the product page and get it! 

Due to its escalating success, it will only be a matter of time before I have to raise the price. Therefore, I strongly urge you not to miss out on this opportunity!

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