OpenCL :: Exploring the 1st Dimension (part2 the wrong benchmark and the correction) – Other – 2 May 2023

Read part 1 

Okay so what we'll do here is that same as before but use a double type this time 

We change our kernel code to this :

    string kernel="__kernel void bench(__global double* _tangent,"
                                      "int iterations){"
                                      "double sum=(double)0.0;"
                                      "double of=(double)_tangent[get_global_id(0)];"
                                      "for(int i=0;i<iterations;i++){"

We create a double array with its size matching the amount of our kernels and we are ever vigilant to instantiate that carefully , so we drop back down to 5 kernels and deploy this :

        double tangents[];
        double range=5.2;
        for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(tangents);i++){
           double r=(((double)MathRand())/((double)32767.0)*range)-2.6;
        int tangents_id=CLBufferCreate(ctx,kernels_to_deploy*8,CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
          bool args_set=true;
          for(int i=0;i<kernels_to_deploy;i++){
               Print("Cannot assign buffer to kernel("+i+") error #"+IntegerToString(GetLastError()));
         Print("All arguments for all kernels set!");
         Print("Cannot setup kernel args!");

 We create the buffer and then we must attach it to all kernels right ? Let's see if we can do that !

But , do not forget we must unload the buffer too , so add this after the unload loop 

(we move the tangents id out of the loop , now in a normal distribution this will be wrapped and managed inside a structure but we are testing so there is no need for this to be able to land the lunar mission!)


We add it there so , we run it and with one run we figure out 2 things !

2023.05.02 20:49:49.762 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) All arguments for all kernels set!
2023.05.02 20:49:49.776 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) Time to load and unload 5 kernels = 94ms

Nice , now let's do 50 kernels , we want to gauge for any deployment delays 

2023.05.02 20:50:51.875 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) Deployed all kernels!
2023.05.02 20:50:51.875 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) All arguments for all kernels set!
2023.05.02 20:50:51.891 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) Time to load and unload 50 kernels = 93ms

Lovely , and 5000 kernels ?

Okay slight delay there but it seems okay 

2023.05.02 20:52:03.356 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) All arguments for all kernels set!
2023.05.02 20:52:03.373 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) Time to load and unload 5000 kernels = 110ms

Lets get to the point now , finally !

We must rapidly light up the kernels set their offset and work loads and setup an interval of 1ms , jesus , and also we must not enter this portion of the timer function again otherwise we'll run into trouble . So . Bool indication kernelsRunning=false; 😊

If that is true then we move into a timer loop where we are just collecting completion notices and storing them.

Let's also add a completed indication in our kernel_info object , and i'll remove the handle from the setup since i did not use it , that would be a nice function mql5 , CLExecuteKernelList , like the CommandQueue in the original OpenCL api .

When all is complete we will tally the times ,but we'll deal with that later , so first we drop down to 5 kernels again.

this is how our class looks like now : 

class kernel_info{
 bool completed;
  int offset;
  int handle;
ulong start_microSeconds;
ulong end_microSeconds;
 void reset(){
 void setup(ulong _start,int _offset){
 void stop(ulong _end){

We gate the existing timer commands with 


And we are very careful here , we must anticipate the unloading of the kernels upon the test ending or the test not starting at all so :

We add an exitNow variable at the top , set to true if the test fails or the test ends .

all the contexts become variables of the global scope …

We remove some stuff from the old section , don't worry i saved it as it was in the source file ,… so our timer looks like this now : 

  bool exitNow=false;
  int kernels_to_deploy=5;  
    string kernel="__kernel void bench(__global double* _tangent,"
                                      "int iterations){"
                                      "double sum=(double)0.0;"
                                      "double of=(double)_tangent[get_global_id(0)];"
                                      "for(int i=0;i<iterations;i++){"
    string errors="";
      int iterations=1000;
      bool deployed=true;
      for(int i=0;i<kernels_to_deploy;i++){
      Print("Deployed all kernels!");    
        double tangents[];
        double range=5.2;
        for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(tangents);i++){
           double r=(((double)MathRand())/((double)32767.0)*range)-2.6;
          bool args_set=true;
          for(int i=0;i<kernels_to_deploy;i++){
               Print("Cannot assign buffer to kernel("+i+") error #"+IntegerToString(GetLastError()));
         Print("All arguments for all kernels set!");
         Print("Cannot setup kernel args!");
      Print("Cannot deploy all kernels!");
    Print("Cannot create ctx");
    for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){

Okay , now … let's think …

Let's handle the completion first , that is the easy part 

Upon all completing , for now , we exit and stop the timer.

Note we have not “launched” anything yet, we might get a myriad of errors when we do.!

  else if(!Busy&&kernelsRunning){
    bool still_running=false;
    for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){

It looks simple enough and correct , i think :

  • we go into the list of kernels
  • if something has finished we set it to completed
  • if not we light up the still running flag
  • exit the loop 
  • if nothing is still running kill the timer 
  • light up exit now 
  • dont shut off busy indication

Op , forgot to measure the end time ! add this under completed


and this is the execution call :

           uint offsets[]={0};
           uint works[]={1};
           for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){

Let's see what happens , i can't see anything now , it exited though . So .. that was with 1000 iterations on 5 kernels 

Now the task is to grow the execution time of each kernel above the timer interval … pffft .. 

To do that we need to output our findings to a file !

      int f=FileOpen("OCL\\kernel_bench.txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
        for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){
           ulong micros=KERNELS[i].end_microSeconds-KERNELS[i].start_microSeconds;
             FileWriteString(f,"K["+IntegerToString(i)+"] completed in ("+IntegerToString(micros)+")microSeconds\n");
             FileWriteString(f,"K["+IntegerToString(i)+"] not completed\n");

We add this to the exit block and we wait and see.

and voilla 

K[0] completed in (87334)microSeconds
K[1] completed in (87320)microSeconds
K[2] completed in (87300)microSeconds
K[3] completed in (87279)microSeconds
K[4] completed in (87261)microSeconds

now , what do these mean ? nothing they must be below our execution threshold i thing . lets see 

One microsecond is … 1000000th of a second , or , one second is 1000000 microseconds so what we see here is 87 milliseconds and we are accessing the interval at 1 ms , okay . I don't trust it because there may be a delay for the loop too .

So … let's make the calcs heavier (more iterations) i'm sending one million iterations . now , these will end at the same time more or less 

I'm also shutting mt5 down and restarting it for each run , don't know if theres any caching going on but i want to avoid it.

-i think i must keep the test going for as long at the status of the kernels is running or in line to be executed or smth-

It appears to be stuck or smth … i expected an 80 second run , its been 5 minutes now…15 minutes okay , something broker . letsssss add some cases there … @#%!#!%$@^

    bool still_running=false;
    int running_total=0;
    int completed_total=0;
    int queued_total=0;
    int submitted_total=0;
    int unknown_total=0;
    for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){
      ENUM_OPENCL_EXECUTION_STATUS status=CLExecutionStatus(KERNELS[i].handle);
      }else if(status==CL_RUNNING){running_total++;still_running=true;}
      else if(status==CL_QUEUED){queued_total++;}
      else if(status==CL_SUBMITTED){submitted_total++;}
      else if(status==CL_UNKNOWN){unknown_total++;}
    string message="Running("+IntegerToString(running_total)+")\n";

changing the async waiting loop to this … lets see why the f*** it fails…

Okay i was a bit naive earlier , i assume that it will complete anyway so , lets not let it exit if its queued or submitted or unkown and lets drop to 1000 iterations again.

Loop now changes to this :

    bool still_running=false;
    int running_total=0;
    int completed_total=0;
    int queued_total=0;
    int submitted_total=0;
    int unknown_total=0;
    for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(KERNELS);i++){
      ENUM_OPENCL_EXECUTION_STATUS status=CLExecutionStatus(KERNELS[i].handle);
      }else if(status==CL_RUNNING){running_total++;still_running=true;}
      else if(status==CL_QUEUED){queued_total++;still_running=true;}
      else if(status==CL_SUBMITTED){submitted_total++;still_running=true;}
      else if(status==CL_UNKNOWN){unknown_total++;still_running=true;}
    string message="Running("+IntegerToString(running_total)+")\n";

Dropped to 1000 iterations i think i saw it go through the kernels one by one . lets add x10 iterations and see.

Same , 100k iterations … same . okay is there a problem with the decimal precision or something and we can't hit 1 million ?

There we go , yes , there is one unknown  left and 4 completed kernels with one million iterations , but why ?

It get's stuck there but fortunately it does not seem to cause any issues on the device !

But why it hangs there ? , although , the times of 1000 10000 and 100000 were almost instant so let's do a little change if we are not hitting the time above the interval we need , let's not compound the operations in the kernel just calculate a ton of s*** and then pass it.

I don't think it matters (if it does and you know it let me know)

So we remove the += but now the problem is it will be serving the tanh value from its cache …. so …. lets turn this to an addition … 😛


this is the calc now , let's run again for 1 million iterations … aaand yes there was a precision issue or something .

Now , let's inspect the times .

K[0] completed in (370644)microSeconds
K[1] completed in (479982)microSeconds
K[2] completed in (604963)microSeconds
K[3] completed in (729959)microSeconds
K[4] completed in (839271)microSeconds

theres definately a queue action going on here . Let's increase the kernels to 50.

stuck again . 19 completed 31 unknown . Okay we must see what the error is .

Added an error check on execution , no bueno . The issue is not there so it must be coming up on unknown if we assume it goes from submitted->queued->running->unknown or completed .

Let's see what the docs say about it :

Air , interesting … 😊 okay . lets error gate the status too .

2023.05.02 22:14:21.458 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) Unknown status for kernel(44) #5101
2023.05.02 22:14:21.458 blog_kernel_times_benchmark (USDJPY,H1) ----: unknown OpenCL error 65536

unknown error …kay #5101 is …. internal error , okay very enlightening …

That's telling us this will not work obviously so we won't be able to benchmark this way and in a way the “api” is correct as its asking us why on earth are we trying to do what its supposed to do itself . 

I'll take a break here but i'll publish the blogs , them being incomplete (for now) may give someone an idea or two .

Im also attaching the 2 sources i used so far.

—- okay —–

I'm doing this wrong . I think the time test can occur with one kernel and multiple items .I overdid it a bit there so 

What changes :

  • We go back to the original idea .
  • And we just slap a time measurement on the whole thing.

Because , what you read on this page is what the OpenCL wrapper does , so all we need to do is prod it or poke it or whatever you wanna call it until it folds . 

We will be measuring how many work groups (which operate in one compute unit) it takes for the time measurement to fold once twice etc . 

And in this case by “fold” we mean the opposite , like , when we observe there is an obvious increase in computation time we'll know the number we are sending in for processing means something , or , a threshold we just crossed means something . 

Wouldn't it be easier if you could prod your GPU and ask it “Yo , how many cores do you have that i can use simultaneously , how many items do they get and how much memory is in there?” and it actually answered ? Yes it would be , you , mq , khronos and me have probably thought of this .

In my case i'm waiting to see when or where the 192cores and 32warp figures will pop up in the calculations .

So , the benchmark 2 will look like this :

We use the 1D 

We still keep logging the group id ! to keep tabs on groups created

We'll increase the iterations per loop but try to not mess it up like earlier 

<note , the previous attempt may be okay but there's things i'am not familiar with happening or something i neglected is breaking it>

Alright this will be our new kernel no ins and outs other than the group id :

    string kernel="__kernel void memtests(__global int* group_id,"
                                         "int iterations){"
                                         "float sum=(float)0.0;"
                                         "float inc=(float)-2.6;"
                                         "float step=(float)0.01;"
                                         "for(int i=0;i<iterations;i++){"

I hope the && applies there 

scratch : local id , global id their arrays their buffers their handles the tangents too :

void OnTimer(){
  int ctx=CLContextCreate(CL_USE_GPU_DOUBLE_ONLY);
    string kernel="__kernel void memtests(__global int* group_id,"
                                         "int iterations){"
                                         "float sum=(float)0.0;"
                                         "float inc=(float)-2.6;"
                                         "float step=(float)0.01;"
                                         "for(int i=0;i<iterations;i++){"
    string errors="";
    int prg=CLProgramCreate(ctx,kernel,errors);
    int ker=CLKernelCreate(prg,"memtests");
    int items=1;
    int iterations=1000;  
    int group_ids[];ArrayResize(group_ids,items,0);
    int group_id_handle=CLBufferCreate(ctx,items*4,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
    uint offsets[]={0};
    uint works[]={items};
    long msStarted=GetTickCount();
         ENUM_OPENCL_EXECUTION_STATUS status=CLExecutionStatus(ker);
         ENUM_OPENCL_EXECUTION_STATUS status=CLExecutionStatus(ker);
    long msEnded=GetTickCount();
    long msDiff=msEnded-msStarted;
    Print("Kernel finished");
      int groups_created=group_ids[0];
      for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(group_ids);i++){
    int f=FileOpen("OCL\\bench2.txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
    for(int i=0;i<items;i++){
    int compute_units=CLGetInfoInteger(ker,CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS);
    int kernel_local_mem_size=CLGetInfoInteger(ker,CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE);
    int kernel_private_mem_size=CLGetInfoInteger(ker,CL_KERNEL_PRIVATE_MEM_SIZE);
    int kernel_work_group_size=CLGetInfoInteger(ker,CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE);
    int device_max_work_group_size=CLGetInfoInteger(ctx,CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE);
    Print("Kernel local mem ("+kernel_local_mem_size+")");
    Print("Kernel private mem ("+kernel_private_mem_size+")");
    Print("Kernel work group size ("+kernel_work_group_size+")");
    Print("Device max work group size("+device_max_work_group_size+")");
    Print("Device max compute units("+compute_units+")");
    Print("Work Items ("+IntegerToString(items)+") Iterations("+IntegerToString(iterations)+")");
    Print("Work Groups ("+IntegerToString(groups_created+1)+")");
    Print("Milliseconds ("+IntegerToString(msDiff)+")");
    }else{Print("Cannot create kernel");}
    Print("Cannot create ctx");

 Continue to Part 3 

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